Direct Impact: How Earthquakes and Hurricanes Relocate Economy

Earthquakes and hurricanes – nature’s double whammy that can turn local economies upside down faster than a roller coaster ride. Now combine them for the West Coast’s ever “hurriquake!” When these natural disasters strike, they don’t just wreak havoc on the environment; they send shockwaves through communities, businesses, and wallets. So, let’s pull back the curtains and take a peek at how earthquakes and hurricanes impact local economies in the areas they hit. Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Economy… IMPACT!

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August 20, 2023: The term "hurriquake" was trending on Sunday after a 5.1 tremor hit Southern California.

Earthquakes: The Groundbreaking Disruptor

Therefore, when the Earth decides to do the jitterbug, local economies feel the tremors in more ways than one:

  • Infrastructure Quake: Roads, bridges, and buildings can suffer significant damage, forcing costly repairs and potentially causing disruptions in transportation and commerce. Consequently, contractors, construction workers, and materials suppliers see an uptick in business, while insurance companies face a barrage of claims.
  • Tourism Tango: Imagine tourists high-tailing it out of an earthquake-prone area like it’s a horror movie scene. The tourism sector can take a big hit as travelers reconsider their vacation plans. Hotels, restaurants, and local attractions suddenly see empty seats and vacant rooms.
  • Real Estate Rollercoaster: Property values may plummet if the earthquake leaves its mark on the local landscape. Potential buyers might not be too keen on snagging a home on shaky ground. Real estate markets can spiral into uncertainty, leaving homeowners and investors clutching their pearls.
  • Employment Shakeout: Businesses hit by an earthquake’s aftershocks might cut back on operations or even close shop temporarily. This could lead to layoffs and reduced incomes, creating a ripple effect that affects everything from local spending to consumer confidence. Then there’s the people that aren’t native to the area fleeing faster than they can put their shoes on. The relocation after a major disaster is always a mass exit.

    In addition, the ones that call the Wiggle Basin home are on edge. Checkout my guy, HighDefined, Twitch streaming gamer, alert his audience of the “hurriquake.” Workers from home are affected just as much as the rest! Combination hurricanes and earthquakes is a new fear unlocked, not just because it relocates the economy.
High_Defined on - logo for streaming
Streamer High_Defined experiences earthquake on live stream.

Thinking Ahead: Local Love

Make sure you have your mechanic’s information on stand-by. Add it to your phone list in your Bug-Out Box and Go-Bag. You’ll likely have a faster time getting things done if you don’t have to wait to enter your home should it shake itself too loose.

Incoming tourists aren’t the only ones cancelling, outgoing make the airport an absolute nightmare! Uber and friends are going to get a lot of offers to come get stranded visitors. Help each other out, but be cautious. The horror stories need not continue.

As for the pearl-clutching real estate professionals… You may as well hand them oxygen when adding another disaster like a hurricane. Make sure you inspect every little crack and crevice if you’re brave enough to get a home after the earth bites back.

Hurricanes: Stormy Impact Economic Showdown

Satellite image of Hurricane Hilary: 1st tropical storm to hit CA since 1939.
  • Property Pulverization: Hurricanes have a way of turning homes and businesses into unrecognizable piles of debris. Reconstruction efforts stimulate the economy, with construction jobs surging and supplies flying off shelves. However, the recovery process can take years, leading to a lopsided economic landscape.
  • Agricultural Annihilation: If the hurricane decides to throw a tantrum in an agricultural hub, crop devastation can be catastrophic. As a result, this creates food shortages and price hikes, affecting local and regional economies, not to mention those far beyond the storm’s path.
  • Insurance Industry Shake-Up: Of course, when claims come pouring in faster than rain during a hurricane, insurance companies feel the pressure. Payouts can drain resources, potentially leading to premium hikes for policyholders.
  • Service Sector Setback: Hospitality, entertainment, and service industries suffer a blow as tourists delay or cancel travel plans. With beachfront paradises turned into disaster zones, local businesses that depend on tourist dollars might face lean times.
  • Supply Chain Storm: Disrupted transportation networks and damaged infrastructure can wreak havoc on supply chains. Products get delayed or even lost in transit, causing bottlenecks that affect manufacturers, retailers, and consumers alike.

Recouping the Coop

Surviving 17 direct hits from storm surge monsters, I’m the first person to tell you that your insurance papers should be with your shoes. During a hurricane everyone is a chicken attempting to run across the street to find their head. Even if you can’t rebuild, you won’t be at a complete loss. For example, rental insurance saved our backside when the named storm showed it’s backside to the yard.

Because California wasn’t expensive enough, let’s add tropical storm surge to the flash flooding list! You know the desert dwellers don’t have flood insurance. If you decide to go West, you’re going to need that extra side hustle to protect your belongings.

Meanwhile, coastlines are retreating like they’re America’s hairline. Good luck finding avocados, oranges, or peaches this year below a $1 each. It’s time to start our own reinforced mini-gardens.

Thinking Ahead: Vocal Local

Brystal Cauthen, post author: photo as a Disney Lifeguard during Florida hurricanes impact.

Raised in Orlando, Florida, every job was in some way related to tourism. Specifically: server, bartender, lifeguard, Pedi-Cab driver, face-painting, airbrush tattoo and cartoonist… everything comes to a halt when the Atlantic decides to go to the Mouse House. Want to go to every possible themed park with zero lines to hold you back? Visit after the next Category 3+. Please, if you do, keep in mind the locals are traumatized and reeling. Give a little grace if they aren’t in the happiest mood on Earth.

Speaking of the emotionally draining; my husband works for the largest retailer on this planet. Florida, Texas, Oregon… it’s the same post-disaster excrement production. Direct impact is the worst! Good luck getting a box to your door if there’s a tree blocking the driveway. Do yourself (and the box stuffers) a favor and order everything the second the storm gets named.

To this end, both earthquakes and hurricanes share a common impact: an economic toll that extends beyond the initial event. It’s a complex dance of destruction and recovery, leaving communities to rebuild, adapt, and find new ways to bounce back. So, the next time Mother Nature throws a curveball, remember that it’s not just the ground shaking or the winds howling – it’s the entire local economy trying to find its footing amidst the chaos… because economic relocation isn’t an option.

Were you there? Tell me about it!